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Advanced 3D Printing Elective

UCSF educators and researchers are using 3D printed anatomical models as tools for simulation, patient education, and research. Students enrolled in the Anatomy 171.10 Advanced 3D Printing for Health Science Students elective are matched with a UCSF faculty or researcher to design and manufacture the 3D printed project.

For faculty

UCSF faculty can submit project proposals for the Advanced 3D Printing elective related to patient education, simulation, or research. See the project section below for examples of 3D printed projects. Below are expectations for projects:

  • Faculty agree to meet with the student collaborator at least once per week throughout the duration of the project.
  • 3D printers are available at no cost in the Makers Lab. Makers Lab will recommend other UCSF departments with more sophisticated 3D printers when appropriate (faculty will incur costs).
  • The Makers Lab will provide up to $200 in 3D printing materials for projects. Material costs exceeding $200 must be provided by faculty’s department (e.g., 3D print consumables, silicone).
  • Software used is free, but limitations on clinical use based on FDA regulations.
  • Makers Lab staff are available for consultations with student on software and 3D printing.

Submit a project proposal, and a staff or faculty member will follow-up with you soon after. Contact the Makers Lab with questions about the Advanced 3D Printing elective.

I participated in the Advanced 3D Printing Elective to create a model of the trachea and bronchi. It has been an incredible resource for teaching our medical students, residents, and fellows about airway anatomy and is invaluable when we use it to talk to families about bronchoscopies and any airway abnormalities we find. The experience from inception to conclusion with the Department of Anatomy and Makers Lab has consistently been wonderful — they are knowledgeable, professional, and willing to help. When unexpected challenges arrive, they have the expertise to troubleshoot and solve them. I highly recommend this elective and this team to collaborate with.

For students


Our involvement in this project nurtured our interests in innovation and medical technology (MedTech). We realized the potential for 3D printing, and adjacent technologies, to revolutionize medical education and training through facilitating hands-on spaced repetition.


Iliac Osteotomies for Bladder Exstrophy

Drs. Ishaan Swarup and Eliana Delgado, UCSF Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Neal Mukherjee, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: 3D modeling approaches for iliac osteotomy on infant pelvic models and measuring their impact on critical measurements in the correction of bladder exstrophy.
Completion date: TBD
Keywords: research

in progress

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Model

Dr. Maggie Waung, UCSF Neurology, Andrew Pham, Gerardo Gamino, and Reginald Conley, UCSF MD Candidates
Description: 3D printed anatomical models to enhance medical education and patient understanding of spontaneous intracranial hypotension and its underlying causes.
Completion date: TBD
Keywords: patient education, simulation

in progress

Temporal Bone Models

Dr. Caroline Schlocker, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Lora Randa, Rachel Huynh, Yimeng Li, UCSF MD Candidates
Description: 3D printed semicircular canals, facial nerve, cochlea, and internal auditory canal as a tool for anatomic study.
Completion date: TBD
Keywords: simulation

in progress

Tooth Extraction Model

Ashley Wang, Michelle Nguyen, Tiffany Yu, UCSF School of Dentistry
Description: 3D printed simulation model with removable teeth to practice extractions as well as an edentulous area to practice drilling for implant placement.
Completion date: January 2025
Keywords: simulation
Read more: Meet the Maker -- Michelle Nguyen, Ashley Wang, Tiffany Yu


Periodontal Disease Model

Morgan Yee, UCSF School of Dentistry
Description: 3D printed model displaying periodontal disease and treatment outcomes for patient education.
Completion date: Winter 2024
Keywords: patient education, research


Misalignment and Malocclusion Models

Susu Le, UCSF School of Dentistry
Description: 3D printed models of maxillary and mandibular teeth that display misalignment and malocclusion developed for UCSF D1, D2, and DP2 learners.
Completion date: February 2024
Keywords: education, research
Read more: Meet the Maker -- Susu Le


Electrophysiology Heart Models

Dr. Joshua Moss, UCSF Division of Cardiology, Dora Ogbonna, Ike Ogbonna, Luann Zerefa, UCSF MD Candidates
Description: 3D models of the heart for Electrophysiology fellows training. The models will also allow better explanation of procedural plans to patients pre-procedure and procedural findings post-procedure.
Completion date: December 2023
Keywords: simulation, surgery preparation, patient education
Read more: Meet the Makers -- Dora Ogbonna, Ike Ogbonna, and Luann Zerefa


Neck Model

Dr. Caroline Schlocker, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Kamel Awayda, Woody Faugas, Zuivanna Rivas, UCSF MD Candidates
Description: This project aims to make a "whole neck" model that contains the midline and lateral landmarks with appropriate tissue depths to serve as an effective simulation model.
Completion date: December 2023
Keywords: simulation
Read more: Meet the Makers -- Zuivanna Rivas, Kamel Awayda, and Woodger Faugas


Dental Anesthetic Injection Model

Caitlin Ye, Joany Xue, Selina Huang, Honglip Park, UCSF School of Dentistry
Description: 3D printed mandible and maxilla models for anesthetic injection simulation.
Completion date: June 2023
Keywords: simulation
Read more: Meet the Makers -- Caitlin Ye, Joany Xue, Selina Huang, and Honglip Park


Pancreas Model

Dr. Ajay Maker, UCSF Division of Surgical Oncology and Rojina Nekoonam, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: A 3D printed model of a pancreas displaying different types of cysts. Used to explain the surgery that is needed, why it is needed, and to prepare the patient.
Completion date: January 2023
Keywords: surgery preparation


Heart Model

Dr. Marilynn Chan, UCSF Department of Pediatrics, Zaina Moussa and Mohamed Siddeek, UCSF MD Candidates
Description: 3D printed model of a normal heart and a 3D printed model that shows progression of cardiac pathology over time for poorly controlled or severe pediatric pulmonary hypertension to educate medical trainees and families.
Completion date: January 2023
Keywords: surgery preparation, patient education
Read more: Meet the Makers -- Zaina Moussa and Mohamed Hisham Siddeek


Lumbar Puncture Model

Dr. Gerald Hsu, UCSF Division of Hematology and Oncology
Description: 3D printed spine model for simulating lumbar puncture with intrathecal chemotherapy. Read more: UCSF Lumbar Puncture Simulator Project.
Completion date: November 2022
Keywords: simulation
Read more: UCSF Lumbar Puncture Simulator Project.


Rheumatology Simulation Model

Dr. Sara Sani, UCSF Divisions of Hospital Medicine and Rheumatology
Description: 3D printed phantom of the glenohumeral joint for fluoroscopic-guided shoulder arthrography for UCSF residents. 
Completion date: Spring 2021
Keywords: medicine, simulation, anatomy education, rheumatology, partial task trainer prep


Bronchoscopy and Airway Models

Dr. Marilynn Chan, UCSF Department of Pediatrics and Francisco Gomez Alvarado, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: 3D printed model of the pediatric airway anatomy to simulate bronchoscopies.
Completion date: June 2022
Keywords: simulation, surgery preparation, patient education


Bronchoscopy and Airway Models

Dr. Christopher Leba, UCSF Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, & Sleep Medicine and Samuel Vydro, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: 3D printed tracheobronchial models to facilitate learning of the relevant anatomy and simulate bronchoscopy.
Completion date: November 2021
Keywords: simulation, surgery preparation, patient education, research
Read more: Use of a 3D printed, color-coded airway model for bronchoscopy training and anatomy learning published in Journal of 3D Printing in Medicine


Congenital Cleft Lip Model

Dr. Jordan Virbalas, UCSF Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Kelsey Ogomori, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: 3D printed cleft lip model to simulate surgical repair to revolutionize how to teach residents this skill.
Completion date: November 2021
Keywords: simulation
Read more: Meet the Maker – Kelsey Ogomori


Pediatric Larynx Models

Dr. Jordan Virbalas, UCSF Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Sophie Kupiec-Weglinski, UCSF MD Candidate
Description: 3D printed mold used to create a silicone model of the pediatric larynx extending from the supraglottic structures (epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, arytenoids) to the subglottis. The model would be used for procedural training.
Completion date: November 2021
Keywords: simulation
Read more: Meet the Maker – Sophie Kupiec-Weglinski


Bone Marrow Biopsy Simulation Model

Dr. Gerald Hsu, UCSF Division of Hematology and Oncology
Description: 3D printed and silicone bone marrow biopsy partial-task trainer for UCSF fellows. 
Completion date: July 2020
Keywords: medicine, simulation, anatomy education, bone marrow biopsy, partial-task trainer
Read more: “Design-Based Bone Marrow Biopsy Training” published in Simulation in Healthcare.
