Library spaces open to UCSF ID holders. See timeline for reopening.

ZSFG Library

Located at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, ZSFG Library is open to the public. We provide research support, point-of-care tools, and a community-focused hub for all employees at ZSFG.

Meet our clinical librarians

Jill Barr-Walker, MPH, MS​
Jill provides support for evidence-based research and instruction to clinicians, researchers, and staff located at ZSFG.
Nora Franco
Nora provides teaching and research services to our diverse and distributed campus community with a focus on clinical support for staff at ZSFG.
Several of the articles Jill found were validating on this complicated case I have. I so appreciate her time and effort!
Staff member, DPH
Nora helped me with a literature search on methods for avoiding induction of labor. This helped us revise our approach to prolonged pregnancy, putting key information in the hands of our patients.
Clinical Professor, ZSFG
Jill was invaluable in helping me with the literature review for our qualitative paper. We’re so lucky to be able to work with her!
Faculty, ZSFG

Resources for UCSF at ZSFG​

UCSF faculty, researchers, residents, and staff at ZSFG have access to all UCSF Library materials and PubMed@UCSF.

Searching for the PDF? Try the following options.

Contact us for help searching the literature, learning more about incorporating open science into your research, partnering on systematic review projects, and more. 

Resources for DPH at ZSFG

Note that you must be on the ZSFG campus to use these resources.

San Francisco Department of Public Health clinicians and staff can access the following databases to find articles and point-of-care tools. (Note that you must be on the ZSFG campus to access these resources.)

Searching for the PDF? Try the following options.

It’s possible to access materials from the main UCSF Library and the broader UC Library community. Follow the request process for DPH. Physical item borrowing temporarily unavailable while we work to improve services. (Article and book chapter requests are still available.) Beginning in late May, DPH staff at ZSFG will have the ability to login and manage their own accounts within the UC Library Search platform, including requesting articles, book chapters, and physical items owned by any library in the University of California system and beyond via Interlibrary Library Loan (ILL).

Note that ebooks cannot be borrowed through requests.

Need remote access to UCSF Library databases? Managers with a DPH Active Directory account can submit a Remote Access Request on behalf of DPH staff.

San Francisco Department of Public Health clinicians and staff can access the following books online. (Note that you must be on the ZSFG campus to access these resources.)

Contact us for help searching PubMed, finding evidence-based guidelines and articles for QI projects, accessing full-text PDFs, and more.

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Request materials
Reserve meeting spaces
Study spaces
ZSFG Reads popular reading collection
Wifi: UCSFwpa and UCSFguest

Find us

1001 Potrero Ave, Building 30, First Floor • 628-206-3114
Public Transportation  |  UCSF Shuttles and Parking


FridayJul 2610am - 2pm
SaturdayJul 27closed
SundayJul 28closed
MondayJul 2910am - 2pm
TuesdayJul 3010am - 2pm
WednesdayJul 3110am - 2pm
ThursdayAug 110am - 2pm

You have questions? We have answers.

Check out our Help Center for how-to articles and FAQs on topics like Using the EZproxy Bookmarklet, How to Perform an Advanced Literature Search, and 10 Ways to Support Open Research. Have more questions? Contact us.