Library spaces open to UCSF ID holders. See timeline for reopening.

Teaching and Research

We work with you to create and deliver educational content to your students, members of your lab, or your study group. Topics can include: database searching, systematic reviews, reference managers, copyright basics, multi-media, instructional design, 3D printing and more. We encourage you to contact us and explore your ideas! 


Library instruction sessions

We can create custom instructional sessions for your course on a variety of topics. Let us know what you need.

Meet our faculty resources experts

Peggy Tahir
Peggy has worked as a librarian in academic medicine, hospitals, and the NIH. She consults on systematic reviews, searching the literature, information management, and copyright.
Josephine Tan
Josephine is an education and research librarian. She teaches curriculum-integrated literature searching skills and specializes in medical education research.
Nora Franco
Nora is a clinical research librarian. She provides teaching and research services to our diverse and distributed campus community with a focus on clinical support for staff at Zuckerberg SF General (ZSFG).
Leia Casey
Leia is an education and research librarian. She provides teaching and research services to our diverse and distributed campus community with a focus on the School of Nursing.
Eileen Chen
Eileen is a clinical research librarian. She offers advanced literature-searching support, and liaises with the School of Nursing and Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland.

Creating a resource guide

Work with us to create a custom guide to meet your students’ information needs. Link to the guide from anywhere, including your CLE course. For example, see this resource guide for HAIL students.

hail guide

Teaching and learning continuity

There’s a range of tools and support to help you connect, teach, and learn regardless of location.

faculty laptop

We’re here to help

Contact us to integrate library instruction into your course, and see our hand-curated guides on a range of subjects.

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