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Statistics and Big Data Analytics

statistics graph

Understanding statistics is essential for working in the biomedical sciences. Below are some resources ranging from refresher courses to more advanced statistical topics.

Available resources

Since offerings are always evolving, this list may not be comprehensive. Still have questions?

Big Data Analytics CourseAICD3 203: Fundamentals of Machine LearningSOP$*
Big Data Analytics CourseAICD3 204: Computation and AI in Drug Discovery and DevelopmentSOP$*
Big Data Analytics CourseAICD3 205: Modeling for Drug DevelopmentSOP$*
Big Data Analytics CourseBIOE 245: Machine Learning in Medical ImagingGrad Div$*
Big Data Analytics CourseBIOSTAT 202: Opportunities and Challenges of Complex Biomedical Data: Introduction to the Science of "Big Data"Epi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics CourseBIOSTAT 216: Machine Learning in R for the Biomedical SciencesEpi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics CourseBMI/BIOE 212: Deep Learning for Biological and Clinical ResearchGrad Div$*
Big Data Analytics Course DATASCI 223: Applied Data Science with PythonEpi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics CourseDATASCI 224: Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to ApplicationsEpi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics CourseDATASCI 225: Advanced Machine Learning for the Biomedical Sciences IIEpi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics Course DATASCI 226: Bayesian Methods and Gaussian ProcessesEpi/Biostat$*
Big Data Analytics CourseGenerative AI FoundationsLibrary$*
Big Data Analytics CourseGoogle AutoML Tools for Machine LearningLibrary
Big Data Analytics CourseIntroduction to Machine LearningLibrary
Big Data Analytics CourseMachine LearningGladstone
Big Data Analytics CourseNLP and Document ClassificationLibrary
Big Data Analytics CourseR for Machine LearningLibrary
Consultation ServicesBiostatistics ConsultationCTSI$
Statistics/Analytics ProgramAdvanced Training in Clinical Research (ATCR)Epi/Biostat$*
Statistics/Analytics ProgramCertificate in Health Data Science (CiHDaS)Epi/Biostat$*
Statistics/Analytics ProgramDoctoral Program in Epidemiology & Translational ScienceEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics/Analytics ProgramMaster's Degree in Health Data Science (MiHDaS)Epi/Biostat$*
Statistics/Analytics ProgramPhD in Computational Precision HealthUCB/UCSF$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 200: Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research IEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 208: Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research IIEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 209: Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research IIIEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 210: Biostatistical Methods for Clinical Research IVEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 211: Mathematical Foundations of BiostatisticsEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 215: Advanced Approaches to the Analysis of Observational DataEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseEPI 213: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Medicine and Public HealthEpi/Biostat$*
Statistics CourseHypothesis testingGladstone
Statistics CourseIntroduction to Experimental Design and Hypothesis testingGladstone
Statistics CourseLinear Mixed Effects ModelingGladstone
Statistics CoursePower and Sample Size Calculations with RLibrary
Statistics CourseR for StatisticsLibrary
Statistics CourseRegression Modeling with RLibrary
Statistics CourseStatistics of Enrichment Analyses MethodsGladstone
Statistics CourseUnivariate and Bivariate Statistics with RLibrary
Tutorials/User Support ServicesNLP@UCSF Training and SupportBCHSI
Statistics CourseBIOSTAT 272: Foundations in Biostatistical Principles and MethodsEpi/Biostat$*

See the full list of UCSF data science education and training sponsors and a key to the abbreviations.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

If you are an educator or learner and can’t find a particular UCSF data science training opportunity on this portal, feel free to contact us
Note that there are additional data science training opportunities that UCSF employees may access for free or at discounted rates which are outside the scope of this portal. For example, you may want to explore offerings through LinkedIn Learning (all content free through UCSF MyAccess)