Library spaces open to UCSF ID holders. See timeline for reopening.

Programming Essentials

programming brackets

Both beginners and experts can benefit from learning or reviewing foundational computer programming skills. These offerings focus on concepts that are especially relevant to data analysis tasks.

Available resources

Since offerings are always evolving, this list may not be comprehensive. Still have questions?

Python CourseIntro to Python, Part 1Library
Python CourseIntro to Python, Part 2Library
Python CoursePython Background and Prep for Machine LearningLibrary
Python CourseQuerying Covid Data from Johns Hopkins and the Gates Foundation using Python and MongoDBLibrary
Python CoursePython, PyMongo, and MongoDBLibrary
Python and SQL CourseData Analysis with Python, Pandas and SQLLibrary
R CourseBIOSTAT 213: Introduction to Programming for Health Data Science in REpi/Biostat$ *
R CourseBIOSTAT 214: Programming for Health Data Science in R II Epi/Biostat$ *
R CourseIntroduction to R for Data AnalysisGladstone
R CourseIntroduction to R ProgrammingLibrary
R CourseR for Data ManipulationLibrary
R CourseR for EveryoneLibrary
R CourseWriting R packagesLibrary
SQL CourseIntro to SQLLibrary
Stata CourseBIOSTAT 212: Introduction to Statistical Computing in Clinical ResearchEpi/Biostat$ *
Unix CourseIntroduction to UnixLibrary
Unix CourseUnix Command LineGladstone
Python CourseNLP and Document ClassificationLibrary

See the full list of UCSF data science education and training sponsors and a key to the abbreviations.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

If you are an educator or learner and can’t find a particular UCSF data science training opportunity on this portal, feel free to contact us
Note that there are additional data science training opportunities that UCSF employees may access for free or at discounted rates which are outside the scope of this portal. For example, you may want to explore offerings through LinkedIn Learning (all content free through UCSF MyAccess)