Anneliese Taylor
Anneliese is the Head of Scholarly Communication. Contact Anneliese for help evaluating journals and publishers, assessing research impact, and for scholarly publishing resources.

Training for Dimensions Global Research Activity Database

By Gretchen Kiser, Research Development Office, and Anneliese Taylor, Library

The UCSF research community has access to the online tool Dimensions, jointly supported by the Library and the Research Development Office (RDO). Dimensions is a linked research data resource that tracks information on publications and their citations, datasets, research funding, patents, clinical trials, and policy documents.

Produced by the company Digital Science in collaboration with research funders and universities, Dimensions is a dynamic, easy-to-use platform that offers several ways to discover, understand and analyze the global research landscape. Users can explore the connections between different researchers and institutions across research topical areas; their scholarly outputs such as publications and datasets; research activity through funded grants, clinical trials, and patents; and citations and altmetrics attention to published works.

This tool enables researchers, staff, and leadership to do things such as:

  • measure and assess research impact via citations and Altmetric data
  • identify collaborators, competitors and other elements of research funding competitive intelligence
  • generate analytic interpretations and data for visualizations

Training sessions in March

Representatives from Digital Science are collaborating with RDO and the Library to offer two online (Zoom) training sessions for the UCSF community in March. Register to attend via the UCSF Library Calendar:

The training will also be recorded and made available to the UCSF community after the online sessions.

We encourage members of the UCSF research community to take a few minutes to try the tool, which is available at Be sure to login with your UCSF credentials to enable the full functionality of the database.

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Image used with permission from Digital Science