Chris Shaffer
Chris is an open science advocate and serves as University Librarian and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Information Management. Contact him to discuss the vision, strategic plan, and services of the UCSF Library.

Seeking Comments: Systemwide Review of Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) Report

The University of California Office of the President invites comments on the report entitled, The Use of Research Information Management Systems at the University of California, dated October 12, 2021.

In January 2020 UCOP Provost Michael Brown convened the systemwide multidisciplinary Research Information Management Systems (RIMS) Working Group in response to concerns expressed by the Academic Senate in its March 27, 2019 report entitled “Concerns Regarding the Use of Research Information Management Systems at the University of California.” The RIMS Working Group’s charge was to conduct a systemwide review of all research information management systems (RIMS) currently employed by academic units and elsewhere across the University. This effort included the development of an inventory of systems currently in use; an exploration of how they are being used; and recommendations on their future use.

At UCSF, the most prominent RIMS is UCSF Profiles.

Submit your comments by May 27, 2022