Kemi Amin
Kemi is the Communications Manager for the UCSF Library.

Open Access Week 2018: Oct 22 – Nov 2

Join the UCSF Library as we participate in 2018 International Open Access Week! Open access (OA) is the free, immediate, online access to the published results of scholarly research and the right to use, share and re-use those results. This year’s theme is on designing equitable foundations for open knowledge.

Our events to celebrate OA Week are:

  1. Information Table in the Medical Sciences Building Lobby at Parnassus, Monday, October 22 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm.Stop by to learn more about open access and how it impacts you. We have lots of updates to share about OA publishing, open data, and open science, all brought to you by three representatives from UCSF’s newly formed Open Science Group! Plus cookies and swag.
  2. Screening of Paywall: the Business of Scholarship, Tuesday, October 23, 5:30 – 8:30 pm, publisher PLOS‘ offices in downtown San Francisco. Open to the UCSF community. Register via Meetup.
  3. Getting Ahead with Open Access Event & Reception, Wednesday, October 24, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, Mission Bay Campus. Hear from three experts about recent UC initiatives designed to accelerate the transition of scholarly publishing to open access.
  4. Preprint Journal Clubs
    1.  Systems analysis by mass cytometry identifies susceptibility of latent HIV-infected T cells to targeting of p38 and mTOR pathways, Thursday, October 25, 3-4 pm, Mission Bay, led by Marielle Cavrois and Nadia Roan
    2. Memory sequencing reveals heritable single cell gene expression programs associated with distinct cellular behaviors, Friday, October 26, 2-3 pm, Mission Bay, led by Stephen Floor
  5. Building Community as Infrastructure – OpenCon satellite event, Friday, November 2, Mission Hall room 2110, Mission Bay Campus. OpenCon is an international meeting for early career researchers to help advance open access, open data, and open education. Join members from the UCSF Open Science Group for a free breakfast and watch party.