Kemi Amin
Kemi is the Communications Manager for the UCSF Library.

oaFindr Helps you Find Open Access Articles

UCSF has purchased a trial subscription to the oaFindr database, an open access article discovery platform. oaFindr crawls scholarly databases and the web for full-text, peer-reviewed open access articles that don’t require a subscription to read. It is continually updated and searches across open access content from publishers, as well as hundreds of institutional repositories, professional websites, and networking platforms like ResearchGate. The oaFindr bibliographic database currently boasts over 24 million records from over 65,000 peer-reviewed scholarly journals. Articles can be searched by topic and filtered by categories such as journal, language, and open access type. 
oaFindr can be found in the library’s database collection and will be available until December 2017.