Material added to the digital collection relates to Bishop’s work, teachings, and awards. Including lectures on polio, rubella, hepatitis, tumors, and cancer. The material also includes correspondence, photographs, and research notes. A total of 500 pages have been added, and the collection is available publicly on Calisphere.
J. Michael Bishop throwing the ceremonial first pitch at a San Francisco Giants baseball game. J. Michael Bishop papers, MSS 2007-21, carton 8, folder 43 Nobel Prize Ceremony. J. Michael Bishop papers, MSS 2007-21, carton 79, folder 9 J. Michael Bishop Nobel Lecture and Slides. J. Michael Bishop papers, MSS 2007-21, carton 79, folder 7
J. Michael Bishop, MD, joined the UCSF faculty in 1968. In 1981, Bishop was appointed director of the GW Hooper Research Foundation. In 1989, Bishop and his colleague, Harold E. Varmus, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that growth-regulating genes in normal cells can malfunction and initiate the abnormal growth processes of cancer. In 2003, he was awarded the National Medal of Science. On July 1, 1998, J. Michael Bishop became the eighth chancellor of UCSF.
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