Scott Drapeau
Scott is a designer in the Makers Lab. Contact Scott with questions about the Makers Lab, 3D printing technologies, and design project assistance.

Meet the Maker – Abby Schrock

This month’s maker is Abby Schrock, admin officer and master control sub-system admin at the Clinical Lab Transfusion Service. We caught up with them to see what they made.

Q: What did you make? 

Blood Bank reagent racks.

Abby's reagent rack in the lab
Abby’s reagent rack in the lab

Q: Why did you want to make it? 

Our current ones were falling apart, and we were no longer able to procure. It is a seemingly simple object, but it makes completing the critical Immunohematology testing our clinical lab scientists perform a little easier.

Q: What was your process? 

First, we inquired with our lab’s Quality Control specialist and a few staff regarding usage, then we took measurements. I sketched the rack and added a wish list of updates. I then worked with Makers Lab to figure out how it might be designed and printed. We used test prints to further refine the design then settled on a final before reprinting.

Q: What was the hardest part of the process? 

Considering changes to the design when I don’t use the rack in my job.

Q: What was your favorite part of the process? 

Collaborating with Scott at Makers Lab (a 3-D printing magician!) to create an even better version than we imagined. Also realizing my design and drawing skills from junior high wood shop are still coming in handy!

Abby ideation sketches
Abby’s ideation sketches

Q: What do you want to make next? 

Probably more racks for our Mission Bay lab. Another chance to refine and improve!