Nary Mustafa
Nary is an instructional designer who consults with faculty and supports them in utilizing CLE activities and resources to support face-to-face, hybrid, and online teaching and learning.

Mastering the CLE Gradebook: A Comprehensive Demo

The UCSF Library Instructional Design Team is offering a comprehensive CLE Gradebook demonstration to help educators elevate their courses in the Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE). A well-structured Gradebook benefits both educators and students. Our presentation outlines key topics, including understanding the Gradebook, customization, effective management, grading schemes, and more. Attendees will gain insights into setting up Gradebook permissions, learn best practices, and have their questions answered. Join us for an insightful and interactive session!

Attend the demo

This demo is Tuesday, November 14, from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Please register to receive the Zoom link.

What will I learn?

This session aims to provide you with a thorough understanding of the Gradebook, ensuring that demo attendees leave with the knowledge and skills to proficiently create, personalize, and enhance their Gradebook for a smoother learning experience.

Who should attend?

If you are a UCSF faculty member, instructor, or education support staff that creates or modifies course content within the CLE, this workshop is tailored to your needs!

Will this demo be recorded?

Yes, this demo will be recorded and shared on the Instructional Design Training Hub.