Brian Warling
Brian is the CLE Product Manager.

CLE now upgraded to Moodle 3.11

The Collaborative Learning Environment (CLE) has been upgraded to Moodle 3.11 Here are the new and upgraded features:

Student activity completion improvements

Activity completion conditions are much clearer in Moodle 3.11. These conditions are noted on the activity page itself, and if desired, can also appear on the course page.

activity completion

Accessibility Toolkit

A new, integrated toolkit can help identify accessibility issues in courses. This is an opt-in service course builders can enable in their courses by adding the Accessibility Review block and submitting the course for analysis. Please note that only course builders can view the block and the results — these are not available to students.

accessibility toolkit

More improvements

  • Plagiarism detection for quiz essay questions: In Moodle 3.11, Turnitin can be used to analyze quiz essay question responses.
  • H5P enhancements: Course builders can hide content in the H5P content bank by marking it as unlisted. The content bank will also display the number of times an H5P item is linked. And alert will be displayed when linked H5P content is about to be deleted.
  • Quiz overrides and pass grades: Course builders can view overrides and students can view pass grades directly on the quiz page.
  • Essay question word limits: A minimum and maximum word limit can be specified for essay questions.
  • Section links block: Titles can now be displayed in the section links block, rather than just the section number.
section titles

Additional information

For a full list of updated features, please refer to the new features in Moodle 3.11 page on the Moodle website. Please note that some of the Moodle 3.11 features do not apply to our implementation.