Dylan Romero
Dylan is the Library Operations Analyst.

A Snapshot of the UCSF Library Makers Lab [An Infographic]

This is a guest post by Jenny Tai, Makers Lab staff member.

The Makers Lab has grown a lot in the past year, thanks to the support of a wonderful community of makers here at UCSF. We’ve had over 1,500 UCSF makers visit the Makers Lab since opening in April 2016.

Have you wondered where the majority of your fellow makers come from? Or maybe, what brought them into the space? Perhaps you just want to know what the most attended pop-up events are.

Regardless of whether or not you’re a seasoned maker with a plethora of projects in the works or a potential maker looking to get started, take a look at the “snapshot” we’ve put together. Some facts might just surprise you (and inspire you with a few more ideas)!

View the full infographic below (click image to zoom):

Makers Lab Infographic

Be sure to share our infographic with your fellow makers on Instagram, or any other venue!