Kemi Amin
Kemi is the Communications Manager for the UCSF Library.

Library Leaders Series with Chris Shaffer

Dec 15 from 12 – 1 pm
Health Sciences Building, HSW-302, Parnassus campus

Library Leaders Series: The Role of University Libraries in Transforming Research, Education, and Care with Chris Shaffer

Libraries are at a pivotal crossroads. New technologies, changing study habits, and efforts to manage the rising costs of higher education put both their facilities and purpose in flux—questioning how the library continues to support research, education, and care in a digital age. As colleges and universities grapple with this changing educational context, there is a growing need to understand what’s next, specifically for the health science-focused academic library.

Join university librarians from UC Davis (12/6), University of Calgary (12/13), and Oregon Health & Science University (12/15), as they discuss the intersection between research and education and the critical leadership role of the university library for this UCSF Library lecture series.

12/15 Featured Speaker

Chris Shaffer is University Librarian and Associate Professor at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU). His previous position was Assistant Director for Technology and Outreach at the University of Iowa Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. At both institutions, he planned inter-professional education initiatives and worked with research offices and Clinical and Translational Science Award centers to develop new library services for researchers. At OHSU, he established the Ontology Development Group, which receives significant NIH funding to promote research innovations, service development, and education through semantically enabled technologies for the purposes of data management and publication, research reproducibility, and the building of novel tools for biomedical data exploration.